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The human body is 60 percent water, so when you think about it, hydrotherapy makes a lot of sense. If you're looking to experience the healing powers of this aqua-based physiotherapy, have a look at the clinics we partner with in Devonport and see what works for you. If nothing else, the weightlessness of being in water is bound to bring some relief. Prices start at $20.
All in all, we make health and wellness easy. Why not let us help you out? Never forget your appointment time again. Book all your Body treatments services in Devonport on Bookwell, and let us take care of the rest. Just browse treatments on offer and book instantly online. Can't find a great venue? Call us on 1300-856-405 or email us at
Working as it does with the support of warm water, hydrotherapy can be really helpful for people with arthritis or joint pain. It's a great way to regain mobility and strength.
Drink some water, have a little something to eat, and rest up. Your therapist may recommend stretches and exercises for you to do at home.
Once to three times a week is great at first. Although, of course, your therapist will come up with a plan that suits you.