Let Bookwell be your health and beauty guide for any salon or clinic in Rockhampton. We've done the hard work for you and categorised all the best spots from North Rockhampton to Norman Gardens and everywhere in between. We understand the importance of ratings, pricing and availability. Sometimes a last minute date still deserves all of the extra trimmings.
When it's time to give some skin tags a cease and desist, you want to call in the experts. Good thing, then, that we've rounded them up for you. Have a look at the skin professionals we work with in Rockhampton, and see who has an appointment time that suits you. Those extra little bits of skin don't stand a chance. You can expect to spend somewhere around $180.
What we're saying is that with Bookwell, your days of losing your reminder card in the bottom of your bag are behind you. Book your next Body treatments appointment in Rockhampton with us today, and see just how straightforward the whole thing really is. Don't see your usual spot listed with us? Let us know via email at hello@bookwell.com.au or phone 1300-856-405. We'd love to hear from you.
Skin tags are harmless and usually pain-free. They only hurt or cause discomfort if they snag or get caught on clothing or jewelry. You may decide to get the skin tags removed if you think of it as unsightly or dislike where it is.
You'll need to keep the area clean by washing the area with soap twice daily. A small amount of Vaseline and a non-stick bandage can also be applied to keep it protected from the elements.
This will depend on the tags that you might have, as well as your personal preference. Based on this being a small and non-invasive procedure you can opt for several removals in one sitting. Or, if your health professional recommends more space between procedures you can also have them more spaced out.