Don't you just love it when you see celebrities looking 10 years younger, swearing they haven't had plastic surgery? The thing is they could be telling the truth. Amazing advances in skincare and cosmetic injectables mean natural, non-surgical facelifts are now not only possible but achieving incredible results.
Non-surgical facelifts are a far better option. There's no cutting or stitching, no general anaesthetic and little to no downtime. Whilst the popular phrase 'lunch-break facelift' might be stretching the truth a little, it is possible to take years off your appearance in just a few hours.
We all age, there's no getting away from that. How we age depends on several factors, including genetics. Sun damage, smoking, excessive drinking, stress, harsh environments and more can all take their toll.
Lines and wrinkles develop as our faces lose fat volume and bone structure and gravity do the rest.
If ageing gracefully isn't for you there are steps you can take to reverse time. It starts with a visit to a qualified and experienced cosmetic specialist, and you'll find those here on Bookwell.
The range of treatments these days is impressive. There are dermal fillers, muscle relaxers, chemical peels, laser treatments, skin needling and Radio Frequency therapy just for starters. A skilled cosmetic specialist can smooth out lines by relaxing the muscles or replacing volume, get rid of age spots and spider veins, and treat skin conditions such as adult acne.
Just remember these are 'cosmetic' fixes. All these treatments can make you look fresher and younger but they won't change your underlying bone and muscle structure. Some of them need time to take effect and you may require several sessions.
Notice we said 'little to no downtime'. Some of these treatments are best done when you have a few days off work as they can leave your skin quite sore and red. Results vary according to the treatment and your skin type and may require 'topping up' in the future.
One of the most popular anti-ageing treatments is dermal fillers. As the name suggests this type of facelift works by filling in lines, wrinkles and folds. It can add volume to sunken cheeks or be used to create fuller lips.
Many types of filler have been used over time but these days the most common is resorbable hyaluronic acid. This actually occurs naturally in our bodies but decreases with age. Popular brands include Juvederm and Restylane.
Hyaluronic acid is considered a far safer option as the results are non-permanent and treatment can be reversed if there is a problem. The results last up to a year and you can return for top-ups. Although not entirely proven, it's possible these injections also stimulate collagen production so that's a double whammy!
You may be offered synthetic filler, which will last longer. Just bear in mind that it's a 'foreign body' and could cause a reaction, such as lumps under the skin.
Some cosmetic doctors, particularly in the US, offer fat transfers. This basically means fat is taken from somewhere on your body and injected into the area to be filled. The advantage of this method is that your body won't react to or reject the filler. However, treatment is expensive and there's no guarantee how long the results will last.
You've all heard of Botox, right? Well, that's a great example of a muscle relaxer. Botox is a brand name for Botulinum toxin. Most people know they work by freezing or paralysing facial muscles, which prevents wrinkles forming.
This type of injectable is offered to treat frown lines and forehead lines. As far as we know it won't do anything for lines caused by sagging skin. That's where your dermal fillers come in.
It's very important with injectables that you seek treatment from a proper clinic or cosmetic doctor. Some people foolishly source their own injectables online and inject themselves, leading to some very nasty results.
Your cosmetic doctor or nurse will probably numb the area to be treated beforehand so it is quite painless. You may experience some redness but applying ice will quickly solve that problem.
If you don't find these options appealing we suggest booking in with a clinic that specialises in skin treatments. For example, a chemical peel can help reduce fine lines whilst also treating sun-damaged skin - something fillers and injectables can't do.
Skin needling is another option. By stimulating collagen production it can successfully treat wrinkles and scars, including acne scarring. This treatment works well with Radio Frequency.
Other options for an effective non-surgical facelift include microdermabrasion, laser therapy (fractional, ablative and non-ablative) and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). Find the best facelift here on Bookwell and book online.