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We're big advocates for feeling like your best self. And it doesn't matter what age you are, you should always allow yourself to feel as sharp as possible. There are salons in Newcastle that offer haircuts catering to seniors, meaning you can save a few extra pennies whilst indulging in some you time. Kick back and let someone else fuss over your 'do this time.
We've done the groundwork and found all the best spas, clinics and studios in Newcastle, so you can book your next appointment in an instant. Even better - why not book several, from manicures to men's waxing - we've got all the bases covered. We pride ourselves on being the self-care experts in Newcastle, but if you see a fave hotspot we've missed, we'd love to hear from you on 1300-856-405 or Bookmark this page so you've always got Bookwell bookings at your fingertips.
Take yourself out for lunch, we say. On top of that, see if your stylist has any product recommendations for you.
They cost $45 on average.
A seniors haircut takes about 45 minutes on average.
It's not uncommon for salons to offer a special price for senior citizens - if this is you, take advantage of the deals, we say.
This depends on how long your hair is, and how quickly it grows. For short hair, think every four to six weeks, but longer hair can get away with eight to 12 weeks.