Hmm we couldn’t find any venues offering Student's Haircuts in Coffs Harbour, NSW on Bookwell, but we’d still like to help! Contact us and we can see what we can do for you, otherwise try broadening your search to surrounding areas.
Often the first step in taking care of our wellbeing is just getting the idea out of our heads and onto our calendar. Bookwell is the beauty, health and wellbeing expert in Coffs Harbour, so matter what TLC you need, there's a salon or clinic nearby that can come to your rescue. From Coffs Harbour CBD to Toormina, put yourself in the hands of the experts carefully selected by Bookwell. In fact, Coffs Harbour is blessed with top-quality businesses that have an average customer rating of 5.0 stars. You likely spend so much of your life taking care of other's needs - whether it's your partner's, your boss's or your child's - so now's the time to invest in yourself.
We want you to feel just as glam as the rest of us come Saturday night, regardless of finances. There are a bunch of salons in Coffs Harbour that offer cuts especially for students at discounted rates. Prices (depending on what you're after, of course) tend to average around $45, making it affordable and (hair)doable for all those wanting a little sumthing sumthing.
We're here to help you find all the top beauty and wellness services on offer in Coffs Harbour. Simply browse Haircut and Hairdressing services and book in just one click! Say goodbye to texting salons and hunting for your reminder card. Get everything you need online wherever you are in Australia. Can't find your favourite business? Call us on 1300-856-405 or email us at We'd love to make your life a little easier.
How long is your hair? If it's above the ears, you'll want to come in every 4 to 6 weeks, whereas longer hair needs much less maintenance. Maybe every 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the state of your ends.
A student haircut takes about 30 minutes on average.
Some kind-hearted hairdressers offer a student discount, and for that, we say thank you. A student haircut just refers to a standard cut at a student price.
Speak to your hairdresser about any styling recommendations they have for you, including what shampoo and conditioner is best for you.
They cost $45 on average.