One thing's for sure and that's reflexology is a lot more than just a foot massage. Foot Reflexology is a wonderful treatment delivered by a trained therapist.
Some people mistakenly believe that reflexology is just another word for a foot spa or massage. They don't understand the significance of our feet when it comes to treating our bodies. However, once they try foot reflexology they're hooked.
As well as helping you feel relaxed and reinvigorated, foot reflexology offers many real benefits, including the best ever detox. It will also boost your immune system and circulation, promote healing and balance your inner energy flow.
Foot reflexology dates back to ancient Egypt and China - except it wasn't called that then. The name was created in the late 1800s after the Europeans discovered applying pressure to certain points on the feet could promote good health.
Interestingly, this treatment didn't reach the US until the 20th century as it was so different to traditional Western medicine. Even today it is more popular in the UK and Denmark.
Sometimes referred to as zone therapy, the best foot reflexology can restore psychophysical balance and is recommended for physical and emotional problems. Numerous studies have been done to back up these claims.
In a controlled study of 87 cancer patients, reflexology delivered 100% improvement in the quality of life categories, such as reduction of pain and nausea, mood, appetite, sleep and mobility. The placebo group only achieved 67.6% improvement.
Foot reflexology has been shown to be particularly effective in treating headaches. In a blind random trial, 32 patients were evaluated after treatment, and again three months later. The results showed that reflexology was at least as effective as drug therapy.
If this has prompted you to give foot reflexology a try, this is what you can expect. Your appointment will begin with a consultation so that the practitioner can check your medical history and ensure reflexology is the best choice of therapy.
As treatment begins you will need to remove any footwear and either lie or sit down. You may be given a foot spa or scrub. Even if you have asked the therapist to address one particular problem, he or she will still use different techniques and all pressure points to achieve the best overall results.
Remember, different areas of the foot relate to different organs and ailments but pain can often be referred. A good foot reflexology practitioner will always work all the points in order to source and treat additional issues.
Different people experience different feelings during a reflexology session but almost all report feeling extremely relaxed. You may also experience feelings of warmth, a lightness of body or tingling.
As with many alternative therapies foot reflexology is not science-based although, as we have seen, the benefits have been tested medically. There is no scientific documentation to show that certain points on the feet relate to different internal organs but results and reports over thousands of years confirm it.
For example, foot reflexology can boost blood flow to the kidneys which has been shown to help dialysis patients. By lowering blood pressure, the treatment has also helped those with diabetes.
Amazingly you have around 70,000 nerve endings in each of your feet. This is why reflexology is so effective. In fact, the different zones in your feet are up to 20 times more sensitive than the organs they represent.
Foot reflexology is never advertised as a cure or medical treatment. Nor do practitioners guarantee instant results. It really depends on the problem and the patient. However, if you persevere with the treatment you will definitely start to see improvements in your overall health and wellbeing.