There is nothing quite like experiencing a remedial massage. Whether it’s for a muscle you pulled in your back a few months ago, or as part of your rehabilitation (from when you cycled into a tree that one time and dislocated your shoulder) – if you’ve had an injury in the past this is the kind of massage for you!
In fact, the world of massages is a wonderful thing – we know ourselves the powerful effect a massage can have! From improving health and wellbeing to assisting in posture and pain relief – where would the world be without the magical hands of masseuses!
We know what you may be thinking; ‘Isn’t a massage a massage’?, ‘Isn’t a remedial massage just a massage with a fancy name?’, ‘I’m pretty sure anyone can have a remedial massage’ – and you know what? You’re completely right!
A massage is a massage, because a massage without a massage, isn’t a massage!
A remedial massage is a massage with a fancy name, but without the remedial part masseuses would get pretty confused what kind of massage someone is after! and Anyone can have a remedial massage if they really want, masseuses don’t discriminate!
But to ease the minds of those who may be a bit confused as to whether they really want a remedial massage, let’s get into the nitty gritty of what this kind of massage is better at doing!
In comparison to the utterly self named and relaxing relaxation massage, remedial massages are carefully crafted experiences that are tailored to your specific needs.
Sure, in a relaxation massage you can ask to focus on a specific area that is particularly in need of tension grabbing attention, but with remedial we’re talking about specific specifics.
Whether it’s a muscle, tendon or a certain region of your body that has been giving you some ongoing or sporadic grief, regular remedial massages can help alleviate those constant achy twinges.
Remedial masseuses and therapists know their stuff; from increasing blood flow to a specific area, increasing once limited movement and helping to relieve pain associated with the fore – their techniques and fingertips are quite legendary.
When it comes to these remedial massages, it’s really about assisting your body, and trying to get it back to best it can be through an amazing array of techniques and knowledge only a remedial masseuse or therapist would know!
Honestly, where would we be without these scrumptious remedial massages fixing these unwanted aches and pains?
Before we let you go into a BookWell booking frenzy of remedial masseuses in your area, we like to add one little cherry on top of this remedial sundae of information – you may not have to pay for all of it!
One of the most amazing things about this kind of massage is that it’s actually quite the remedy (pun intended) to many health insurance claims – which means you can make a sneaky claim!
Well actually it’s not that sneaky. Many health insurance companies offer remedial massage to your cover like a waiter offers sparkling water to a table. None-the-less, it’s an option that could truly benefit you and your body’s wellbeing.
However, if the world of remedial massage isn’t quite the experience you’re after, you’ll be happy to know there are so many different styles of massage to choose from you’re going to feel spoilt regardless!
At BookWell we want to make your next remedial massage, or any massage for that matter, an easy and enjoyable experience. So we’ve taken away the hassle of phone calls, hold music and the awkward going back and forth trying to find a time that suits you.
If reading that doesn’t make you feel some kind of relief, then we think you should try it for yourself!