If you feel tired of making your nails the classic way, only to wash dishes or your hair and mess everything up, then it’s high time you discovered SNS. These little fellas are actually a Signature Nail System and everything is pretty much in the name.
The SNS is a nail dipping technique which you get by applying a brush-on gel base and then dipping your nails into a colourful powder. And then dipping again and again. It has no odour, it involves no liquids or primers and it's a healthier alternative.
Of course, it's recommended you let a specialist apply it on or take it off your nails, even if it's quite easy and faster than other types of faux nails. A nail artist will know what to do in the right amount of time. But just for your information, the SNS doesn’t need that much brushing off.
Just like any other nail beauty trick, nails done with SNS are easy to maintain. They won’t affect your hands and it won’t let your nails bend when they grow. But as your nails will evolve, you will want to have them redone every two weeks. It will take just 10 minutes in acetone to remove it and start over. With the SNS everything will look natural.
This technique is cost efficient, doesn't need UV lighting, you just sit for a couple of minutes and won't eat at your nails. It strengthens your kitty claws, as it's made of organic chemicals, and it has a natural, thin, look. The SNS will also let your nails breathe and grow beautifully, by also adding on top of them a protective layer with vitamins and calcium. So no more supplements needed. And you can do it in the same amount of time you would classic nails. This is a new technique which keeps its shine during the 14 days period recommended. They are water resistant and the perfect friend in need if you have delicate skin and quite a bit of an allergy to the other types. They are flexible, which is why they look natural and don't mess with the cuticles. But they're also stronger than gel or acrylic and comfortable so you can go about your day like you used to. SNS nails are resistant to chipping and cracking, they're a great treatment for damaged nails and you'll always be ready for a night out! No more excuses!