Body piercing these days is incredibly popular. There are many reasons why you might choose to pierce different parts of your body, be it due to culture, rebellion or the sheer dazzling beauty of being adorned by sparkly jewels(!). Keep reading to find out where and how piercings are commonly performed.
Your standard ear piercing, ie: one hole in the fleshy part of each ear lobe, is common practice for the vast majority of women. It’s almost a right of passage for young girls to get their ears pierced, and socially accepted and often expected. But it’s also become increasingly popular for men to pierce at least one ear as well, or for teenage girls or older women to have multiple piercings in each ear. Piercings within the fleshier parts of the ear is generally simple with minimal pain or chance of infection, however the top parts of the ear can be somewhat more painful with more risk of complications.
Nose rings are quite popular, whether it be a simple and unobtrusive stud on one side of a nostril, or a more outlandish ring in the cartilage between both nostrils. Obviously one must be careful when blowing and wiping your nose, once a piercing has been installed!
Lip and tongue piercings have become a popular fashion statement for many, however there are some important considerations. Many workplaces or schools don’t allow such piercings within their dress code, and it can make eating and drinking a little more tricky. So give it some serious thought, and talk to others who have had it done, before proceeding. The risk of infection can be high, particularly for tongue piercings, due to germs commonly present within mouths. And if you are planning on a high-flying corporate career – it may not be your best option, unless you can convincingly hide it!
Belly button piercing can be very visually appealing for young women, particularly when wearing short tops or beachwear. However only the right shape and size belly button can be successfully pierced. ‘Innie’ buttons are generally best, with piercings generally occurring through the top half of the naval. But a professional piercer will be able to advise if belly button piercings will suit your body.
Piercing needle - A needle is commonly used to create the desired piercings, so that jewelry can be threaded through. This tends to be popular, as sharp needles can cause less pain, are accurate and easily sterilised.
Piercing guns are used only to pierce ears, and no other body parts. It uses a gun to fire an ear piercing stud in to the ear lobe. It is commonly used and tends to be good for children or those with needle phobias. This method has its fair share of controversy due to sterilisation concerns, however newer models of gun tend to be better designed to allow for more thorough sterilisation. The other concern can be due to the apparent bluntness of the piercing stud used, it could result in more trauma to the ear, in comparison with the use of a finer, sharper needle. Always talk to a professional to determine what method is right for you.
A dermal punch is designed to remove a small piece of flesh from your ear lobe. It is basically like a very sharp hole punch or cookie cutter, to allow for larger and more dramatic pieces of jewellery. This is not for the faint hearted!
Piercings should be appropriately cared for to prevent infection, injury and promote longevity. Always ensure you go to a reputable body piercing salon, utilising hygienic tools and practices. Follow their after care instructions, and seek medical assistance if you experience any unexpected reactions.
With prior research, proper consideration and professional execution, body piercing can help to make a bold statement and enhance your look. BookWell has all the best piercers in your local area for you to choose from. Make your statement today!