Just a few years ago most people would have been quite bewildered by the term 'eyebrow threading'. Yet this amazing hair removal technique has been around for a very long time overseas.
Threading is a great alternative to waxing for fast hair removal and a beautifully shaped brow.
Originating from the ancient East eyebrow threading is fascinating to watch. The therapist uses a length of special cotton thread, doubled over and twisted. Holding one end in her mouth, she rolls the thread over your brows to skilfully extract hairs.
Threading is really only suitable for the face and it is perfect for brows due to its accuracy. The therapist can remove lines of hair or even stubborn individual hairs.
Many people choose eyebrow threading over waxing as it is much better for sensitive skin. Our skin tends to get thinner as we get older and waxing can be a bit brutal. Thin skin can often be the result of acne treatment, too.
Evidence also shows that the results of eyebrow threading last longer than waxing, which makes it quite cost-effective. In India and China, however, where eyebrow threading has always been popular, treatment is every three weeks or so.
It's a matter of personal choice, of course, but many people say eyebrow threading is less painful than waxing and doesn't leave your skin as red. The cotton thread is generally antibacterial and most therapists apply a soothing aloe vera gel to the treated area.
It's been suggested that threading is helpful for anti-ageing, too. The technique boosts blood circulation in the treatment area and stimulates collagen production. This helps plump up the skin and remove dark shadows to make you look younger.
Threading removes even the finest hairs so your moisturiser can better penetrate the skin.
Sometimes referred to as Indian Eyebrow Threading, men and women will find this an effective means of hair removal. It is commonly used by both sexes in India, China and Arabic countries. With no hot wax, razors, chemicals or needles, it's certainly is more relaxing.
The increasing popularity of threading in the Western world all comes down to our search for the perfect brow. From the millions of #brow Instagram posts to DIY YouTube tutorials, we just can't get enough.
Over the centuries we have plucked, waxed, threaded and shaved our brows into every conceivable shape. For a time there, back in Ancient Greece and Rome, it was considered extremely fashionable to have a mono-brow. Not much call for eyebrow threading there!
In the Middle Ages, women removed their eyebrows completely, whilst 18th-century American women made their brows thinker by using mouse skin. In the decades that followed, we've gone from thick to thin and back again over and over again.
Our brows are one of our most important facial features for defining who we are and expressing emotion. We spend huge amounts of money getting the look right, even turning to eyebrow transplants if we must.
In Australia, we spend around $22 billion a year on our appearance - and that's excluding cosmetic surgery. Queensland tops the list with the biggest bill, whilst Tasmania comes in at the bottom.
Eyebrow threading takes some of the pressure off, due to its precision. As it is able to remove even the smallest hair, there is less prickly re-growth in-between. Most women go for treatment every 4 to 5 weeks, pulling out the tweezers for a quick tidy up halfway between.
One of the best things about eyebrow threading is the lack of nasty chemicals. With no wax involved, there are no parabens, dyes or artificial fragrance, nothing that could cause a bad reaction, and you have to be happy with that.