If you've never tried threading you really should, if only to see this amazing hair removal method in action. This technique uses thread - usually cotton - to remove unwanted facial hair. As with many beauty secrets, its origins date back to ancient Eastern culture.
Watching a threading expert at work is fascinating. It's a matter of taking two long, entwined pieces of thread and rolling them over the treatment area. The thread will wrap around the unwanted hairs and pull them out.
Threading is becoming increasingly popular because it will quickly and gently remove hair from the root of the follicle. Alternative methods of removing facial hair can be quite harsh and painful, especially on sensitive skin.
Another bonus is that there are no chemicals (as opposed to waxing and depilatory creams), no needles and no razor blades.
Out of all the hair removal techniques, threading has the least contact with the skin. Even using tweezers can be painful if you grab skin instead of hair. Being more gentle, threading is ideal for those with thinner skin, perhaps caused by acne medications.
There's a myth about threading that it only removes one hair at a time. This is incorrect - threading can remove a whole line of hair at once. However, it is extremely precise so you can target individual hairs if needed - even really small ones.
Most people find that threading lasts longer than waxing. For example, with eyebrow threading, your hair should be gone for three to four weeks. For this reason, it can also be more cost effective.
You will find threading feels a little strange at first, so it's recommended you stick with it for a couple of sessions to get used to the process. Most people say that once threaded, they never go back to facial waxing.
More and more people are choosing eyebrow threading over eyebrow waxing, saying it gives a better shape with no skin irritation.
In addition, because this method doesn't leave short or broken hairs behind, you won't need to touch it up with tweezers after a week.
If for any reason you are left with some soreness, try dabbing on rose water or a cool aloe vera gel. This will quickly calm the skin and remove any redness.
When it comes to unwanted body hair, it's probably better sticking with other methods such as waxing or IPL hair removal. It would just take too long with threading. The whole point of this technique is precision in facial hair removal.
There is some confusion as to where threading started as a beauty treatment. It seems likely it began in India more than 6000 years ago. After that it spread through Asia and the Middle East, before becoming popular in Europe.
Threading remains the main method for facial hair removal in India. Women generally have their eyebrows threaded every three weeks. It is also used to remove hair from the chin or upper lip, or even the whole face.
In ancient Persia, threading indicated that a girl had reached adulthood. In Iran, it is often reserved for special occasions, such as marriage.
As more and more men discover the benefits of personal grooming, threading has become very popular amongst the gentlemen. It's a well known fact that men get hairier as they get older so, if they wish to prevent a monobrow, threading is the answer.
Even if they haven't got a monobrow, threading will keep those stray hairs under control and give a man a more polished appearance. Is it better than eyebrow waxing for men? Hey, waxing involves pain so what do you think?
So, ladies and gentlemen, why not use Bookwell to find an expert threader in your locality and give it a go?