Hearing check up is a basic test of hearing levels which indicates whether or not there is any hearing loss.
Hearing is a complex process and to assess it comprehensively, our audiologist uses a battery of tests to diagnose any possible hearing problems. You do not need a medical referral for a hearing assessment.
If you are ready to move forward with Hearing Aids but aren’t sure how much you will get out of them, AudioHearing Melbourne can help you to make a right decision by offering you a 4-week hearing aid trial.
After the evaluation of your hearing, explaining the results and selection of the hearing aids, our audiologist will program the hearing aids by taking some factors into account such as: your hearing loss, your age, your lifestyle and your needs. We do not program the hearing aids only based on the audiogram. Our audiologist also evaluates and optimises the acoustic performance of the aids by doing some objective tests.
We have the training and equipment to remove a wax build-up using a probe, as long as it is not too deep in your ear canal. A build-up of wax can affect your hearing. It can cause reduced hearing aid performance; feedback (whistle) from your hearing aid; and damage to your hearing aid.
For any existing hearing aid users we offer services to inspect, fine tune and deep clean your current hearing instruments (all makes and models). Minor repairs can be done on the premises while you wait; however, major repairs may need to be sent to the manufacturer. There may be a small charge depending on what needs to be done, we are happy to discuss your hearing needs just call 9820 3440 today!
Most hearing aids can be repaired in house, minimising the time you need to be without your aids. Major repairs need to be sent out to the manufacturer, a process which can take a few days or more depending on the nature of the repair.