Please note that the price ranges from $450 to $550. The final price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements. Dermal fillers are stable molecules of hyaluronic acid gel which is also found naturally in our skin. This gel is injected in a sterile technique into the deeper layers of skin and fatty tossue to help remodel the skin and restore areas of volume loss. Sometimes, this gel can also be used to sculp the face and augment certain facial features like the nose, lips and chin. This treatment can last from 14-18 months depending on the type. It is commonly used with anti wrinkle injections.
Please note that the price ranges from $250 to $400. The final price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements. Mesotherapy is performed by injecting a potent cocktail of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids, designed to rejuvenate the skin. Tiny superficial injections penetrate the skin barrier and introduce the cocktail to the deeper skin where it is most effective in promoting the production of collagen and elastin, while, at the same time, stimulating the skin’s metabolism. It also helps reduce hyperpigmentation, restore the skin barrier, treat dehydration, stimulate hair growth, and diminish cellulite and localised fat reduction.
Anti wrinkle injections are a category of muscle relaxants that help overactive facial muscles to relax and rest, thus improving the appearance of wrinkles over the forehead, around the eyes and the frown. These wrinkles can make an individual look angry and sad even when they are not! When facial muscles rest, it gives the skin time to remodel itself making it look more youthful over time.
Jawline shaping treatment can be performed on individuals who prefer a slimmer and mora oval face shape. The bulky masseter muscles grow with the repetitive chewing actions and create a squared wide lower face. Injecting these muscles with a muscle relaxant helps to reduce its size, girth and projection. It also relieves associated tighteness, tension and headaches commonly seen in teeth grinders or clenchers
Please note that the price ranges from $400 to $950. The final price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements. Skin Boosters are active ingredients like growth factors, hyaluronic acid, plasma, vitamins and minerals that are gently injected into the skin's dermis for hydration, anti glycation, anti oxidation and to boost its stem cells and structural integrity.
Hyperhidrosis is a physiological, medical condition characterized by excessive or unexpected sweating. Neurotoxin (Botulinum toxin A) injections works by blocking the nerves responsible for activating your sweat glands. Weakening of the sweat glands reduced intensity and frequency of sweating. This treatment is commonly sed to treat the underarms and hands, and need to be repeated every 4-6 months.