Please note the price and time may vary depending on the length and thickness of your hair and your individual requirements. Using Keune shampoo and conditioner suitable each type of hair and complemented with a basin head massage
Massaging on sore areas of the body encourages increased blood flow and oxygen which helps to soothe pain and reduce inflammation. Massage release endorphins – an amino acid that works as the body’s natural painkiller. After a massage, your range of motion will also improve due to the removal of build-up lactic acid which causes stiffness in muscles. Not only your body will benefit from massages but your mood elevates too! We carry anxiety symptoms in our shoulders and neck. Studies found an increase in serotonin and dopamine levels in participants who had massage treatments. When our body is relaxed, so is our nervous system. Our heart rate lowers and so does our breathing, massages are a useful way to realign your body. Massages are a natural alternative, without side effects, that helps headaches and migraine pain. It promotes relieving muscle spasms and helps better blood circulation which reduces pressure in the head.