Choose a combination between acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion.
Choose a combination between acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion.
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In China, the modality of Acupuncture is called 针灸 (Zhen Jiu). 针 is acupuncture; 灸 is moxibustion. Acupuncture and moxibustion are two important components of traditional Chinese medicine. Moxibustion is the burning of a dried, spongy herb called mugwort which has warming and stimulating therapeutic properties. It can be wrapped around the tip of an inserted acupuncture needle to increase the stimulation of an acupoint. Or, the burning mugwort stick can be held above the area being treated, and the related pressure points, to give a pleasant heating sensation which facilitates healing.
In China, the modality of Acupuncture is called 针灸 (Zhen Jiu). 针 is acupuncture; 灸 is moxibustion. Acupuncture and moxibustion are two important components of traditional Chinese medicine. Moxibustion is the burning of a dried, spongy herb called mugwort which has warming and stimulating therapeutic properties. It can be wrapped around the tip of an inserted acupuncture needle to increase the stimulation of an acupoint. Or, the burning mugwort stick can be held above the area being treated, and the related pressure points, to give a pleasant heating sensation which facilitates healing.
Ear candling is soothing and creates a relaxed space to reduce stress tension, and promote natural healing, enhanced health and overall wellness. Stimulating the acupuncture and energy points around the area of the ear conveys benefits to the mind, body and spirit. A build up of wax in the ears can reduce hearing. Pressure imbalances in the ears are uncomfortable, especially after flying or scuba diving. While the ear is naturally self cleaning, and a certain amount of ear wax is required to lubricate and protect the ear, the accumulation of excess wax and fluid can cause issues. Shampoo and soap residue may also harden ear wax. Ear candling is helpful for drawing dead cells, bacteria, pollen, yeast, dust, fungus, mould, parasites, pollution and other toxic debris out of the ears. On a spiritual and esoteric level it is said to release energy blockages, cleanse the aura and balance the subtle energies.
Ear candling is soothing and creates a relaxed space to reduce stress tension, and promote natural healing, enhanced health and overall wellness. Stimulating the acupuncture and energy points around the area of the ear conveys benefits to the mind, body and spirit. A build up of wax in the ears can reduce hearing. Pressure imbalances in the ears are uncomfortable, especially after flying or scuba diving. While the ear is naturally self cleaning, and a certain amount of ear wax is required to lubricate and protect the ear, the accumulation of excess wax and fluid can cause issues. Shampoo and soap residue may also harden ear wax. Ear candling is helpful for drawing dead cells, bacteria, pollen, yeast, dust, fungus, mould, parasites, pollution and other toxic debris out of the ears. On a spiritual and esoteric level it is said to release energy blockages, cleanse the aura and balance the subtle energies.
Ear candling is soothing and creates a relaxed space to reduce stress tension, and promote natural healing, enhanced health and overall wellness. Stimulating the acupuncture and energy points around the area of the ear conveys benefits to the mind, body and spirit. A build up of wax in the ears can reduce hearing. Pressure imbalances in the ears are uncomfortable, especially after flying or scuba diving. While the ear is naturally self cleaning, and a certain amount of ear wax is required to lubricate and protect the ear, the accumulation of excess wax and fluid can cause issues. Shampoo and soap residue may also harden ear wax. Ear candling is helpful for drawing dead cells, bacteria, pollen, yeast, dust, fungus, mould, parasites, pollution and other toxic debris out of the ears. On a spiritual and esoteric level it is said to release energy blockages, cleanse the aura and balance the subtle energies.
Ear candling is soothing and creates a relaxed space to reduce stress tension, and promote natural healing, enhanced health and overall wellness. Stimulating the acupuncture and energy points around the area of the ear conveys benefits to the mind, body and spirit. A build up of wax in the ears can reduce hearing. Pressure imbalances in the ears are uncomfortable, especially after flying or scuba diving. While the ear is naturally self cleaning, and a certain amount of ear wax is required to lubricate and protect the ear, the accumulation of excess wax and fluid can cause issues. Shampoo and soap residue may also harden ear wax. Ear candling is helpful for drawing dead cells, bacteria, pollen, yeast, dust, fungus, mould, parasites, pollution and other toxic debris out of the ears. On a spiritual and esoteric level it is said to release energy blockages, cleanse the aura and balance the subtle energies.
Gua Sha, also called spooning, is an ancient therapeutic practice that began in China centuries ago for removing stagnation, clearing some heat from an area, and improving the flow of Qi energy and blood to the area. It remains a Gua Shapopular practice in China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Southeast Asia. “Gua” means to scrape or rub. “Sha” is a reddish, sandy appearance.
Gua Sha, also called spooning, is an ancient therapeutic practice that began in China centuries ago for removing stagnation, clearing some heat from an area, and improving the flow of Qi energy and blood to the area. It remains a Gua Shapopular practice in China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Southeast Asia. “Gua” means to scrape or rub. “Sha” is a reddish, sandy appearance.
Gua Sha, also called spooning, is an ancient therapeutic practice that began in China centuries ago for removing stagnation, clearing some heat from an area, and improving the flow of Qi energy and blood to the area. It remains a Gua Shapopular practice in China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Southeast Asia. “Gua” means to scrape or rub. “Sha” is a reddish, sandy appearance.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, heat strengthens the smooth flow of Qi energy, and expels the cold, blockages and stagnation which can cause pain. Firstly, a little bit of amazing history about how TDP mineral heat lamp therapy came into existence. There was a century-old black clay ceramic factory in rural central China where the impoverished workers toiled hard in very unfavourable conditions of heat, cold and wet. Yet in spite of this adversity, they were all remarkably healthy, without the usual physical aches and pains. Investigations and research revealed that the far infrared radiation given off by this particular hot clay was very beneficial for the human condition.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, heat strengthens the smooth flow of Qi energy, and expels the cold, blockages and stagnation which can cause pain. Firstly, a little bit of amazing history about how TDP mineral heat lamp therapy came into existence. There was a century-old black clay ceramic factory in rural central China where the impoverished workers toiled hard in very unfavourable conditions of heat, cold and wet. Yet in spite of this adversity, they were all remarkably healthy, without the usual physical aches and pains. Investigations and research revealed that the far infrared radiation given off by this particular hot clay was very beneficial for the human condition.
Cupping is an ancient technique closely associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine.(TCM). Cupping may be useful for certain conditions that involve stagnation or energy blockages within the body.. In the traditional beliefs, cupping affects the flow of Qi and Blood. It helps draw out and eliminate TCM pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, damp and heat. As well as moving Qi and Blood, cupping opens the pores of the skin, thus precipitating the movement of TCM pathogens through the skin itself. It involves the use of heated glass cups to create suction on the skin surface to encourage blood flow and relaxation. The heated cup is placed on the skin and as the air inside the cup cools, it creates a partial vacuum that slightly pulls the skin upwards and opens the skin pores. A skilled practitioner will be able to adjust the amount of suction required. This draws on or mobilises local fluids, releases stagnation, and helps to activate the flow of energy, while promoting an increase in blood flow to the area and surrounding tissues.
Cupping is an ancient technique closely associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine.(TCM). Cupping may be useful for certain conditions that involve stagnation or energy blockages within the body.. In the traditional beliefs, cupping affects the flow of Qi and Blood. It helps draw out and eliminate TCM pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, damp and heat. As well as moving Qi and Blood, cupping opens the pores of the skin, thus precipitating the movement of TCM pathogens through the skin itself. It involves the use of heated glass cups to create suction on the skin surface to encourage blood flow and relaxation. The heated cup is placed on the skin and as the air inside the cup cools, it creates a partial vacuum that slightly pulls the skin upwards and opens the skin pores. A skilled practitioner will be able to adjust the amount of suction required. This draws on or mobilises local fluids, releases stagnation, and helps to activate the flow of energy, while promoting an increase in blood flow to the area and surrounding tissues.
Cupping is an ancient technique closely associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine.(TCM). Cupping may be useful for certain conditions that involve stagnation or energy blockages within the body.. In the traditional beliefs, cupping affects the flow of Qi and Blood. It helps draw out and eliminate TCM pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, damp and heat. As well as moving Qi and Blood, cupping opens the pores of the skin, thus precipitating the movement of TCM pathogens through the skin itself. It involves the use of heated glass cups to create suction on the skin surface to encourage blood flow and relaxation. The heated cup is placed on the skin and as the air inside the cup cools, it creates a partial vacuum that slightly pulls the skin upwards and opens the skin pores. A skilled practitioner will be able to adjust the amount of suction required. This draws on or mobilises local fluids, releases stagnation, and helps to activate the flow of energy, while promoting an increase in blood flow to the area and surrounding tissues.
Most people have experienced the sense of relaxation and well-being that comes after a good massage. But Chinese Massage (or Tuina) is a little different and has larger goals than simply making you feel relaxed. Tuina is a special form of acupressure therapy that combines Chinese Taoist spiritual yoga principles, with martial art injury healing and energy abilities, to allow your body to reach a place of harmony and balance. Like acupuncture, Chinese massage uses the meridian system of the body to treat a similar range of health problems. Your therapist will start by learning about your general health and lifestyle from your health questionnaire and then ask further questions to determine the specific massage techniques needed as well as any combined therapies that may be effective.
Most people have experienced the sense of relaxation and well-being that comes after a good massage. But Chinese Massage (or Tuina) is a little different and has larger goals than simply making you feel relaxed. Tuina is a special form of acupressure therapy that combines Chinese Taoist spiritual yoga principles, with martial art injury healing and energy abilities, to allow your body to reach a place of harmony and balance. Like acupuncture, Chinese massage uses the meridian system of the body to treat a similar range of health problems. Your therapist will start by learning about your general health and lifestyle from your health questionnaire and then ask further questions to determine the specific massage techniques needed as well as any combined therapies that may be effective.
Most people have experienced the sense of relaxation and well-being that comes after a good massage. But Chinese Massage (or Tuina) is a little different and has larger goals than simply making you feel relaxed. Tuina is a special form of acupressure therapy that combines Chinese Taoist spiritual yoga principles, with martial art injury healing and energy abilities, to allow your body to reach a place of harmony and balance. Like acupuncture, Chinese massage uses the meridian system of the body to treat a similar range of health problems. Your therapist will start by learning about your general health and lifestyle from your health questionnaire and then ask further questions to determine the specific massage techniques needed as well as any combined therapies that may be effective.
Most people have experienced the sense of relaxation and well-being that comes after a good massage. But Chinese Massage (or Tuina) is a little different and has larger goals than simply making you feel relaxed. Tuina is a special form of acupressure therapy that combines Chinese Taoist spiritual yoga principles, with martial art injury healing and energy abilities, to allow your body to reach a place of harmony and balance. Like acupuncture, Chinese massage uses the meridian system of the body to treat a similar range of health problems. Your therapist will start by learning about your general health and lifestyle from your health questionnaire and then ask further questions to determine the specific massage techniques needed as well as any combined therapies that may be effective.
Most people have experienced the sense of relaxation and well-being that comes after a good massage. But Chinese Massage (or Tuina) is a little different and has larger goals than simply making you feel relaxed. Tuina is a special form of acupressure therapy that combines Chinese Taoist spiritual yoga principles, with martial art injury healing and energy abilities, to allow your body to reach a place of harmony and balance. Like acupuncture, Chinese massage uses the meridian system of the body to treat a similar range of health problems. Your therapist will start by learning about your general health and lifestyle from your health questionnaire and then ask further questions to determine the specific massage techniques needed as well as any combined therapies that may be effective.
Shiatsu is a holistic remedial massage style that originated in Japan. The aim of shiatsu massage is to help ensure the smooth flow of energy in channels around the body. This helps to restore the body’s natural balance. These channels connect to and influence our major organs. Any blockages in the flow of energy can lead to areas of pain and discomfort, which can also affect the functioning of bodily systems.
Shiatsu is a holistic remedial massage style that originated in Japan. The aim of shiatsu massage is to help ensure the smooth flow of energy in channels around the body. This helps to restore the body’s natural balance. These channels connect to and influence our major organs. Any blockages in the flow of energy can lead to areas of pain and discomfort, which can also affect the functioning of bodily systems.
Shiatsu is a holistic remedial massage style that originated in Japan. The aim of shiatsu massage is to help ensure the smooth flow of energy in channels around the body. This helps to restore the body’s natural balance. These channels connect to and influence our major organs. Any blockages in the flow of energy can lead to areas of pain and discomfort, which can also affect the functioning of bodily systems.
Shiatsu is a holistic remedial massage style that originated in Japan. The aim of shiatsu massage is to help ensure the smooth flow of energy in channels around the body. This helps to restore the body’s natural balance. These channels connect to and influence our major organs. Any blockages in the flow of energy can lead to areas of pain and discomfort, which can also affect the functioning of bodily systems.
Shiatsu is a holistic remedial massage style that originated in Japan. The aim of shiatsu massage is to help ensure the smooth flow of energy in channels around the body. This helps to restore the body’s natural balance. These channels connect to and influence our major organs. Any blockages in the flow of energy can lead to areas of pain and discomfort, which can also affect the functioning of bodily systems.
Bing’s Natural Health is quite unique in offering a combination massage treatment including massage, plus a Traditional Chinese Medicine modality such as acupuncture, cupping or moxibustion. Many Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners are only trained in one modality whereas all of our practitioners are competent in several modalities, to better serve your needs. The combination treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the hands-on effects of massage gives our practitioners the flexibility to diagnose more accurately and achieve better results than we could if we just used massage by itself.
Bing’s Natural Health is quite unique in offering a combination massage treatment including massage, plus a Traditional Chinese Medicine modality such as acupuncture, cupping or moxibustion. Many Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners are only trained in one modality whereas all of our practitioners are competent in several modalities, to better serve your needs. The combination treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the hands-on effects of massage gives our practitioners the flexibility to diagnose more accurately and achieve better results than we could if we just used massage by itself.
Bing’s Natural Health is quite unique in offering a combination massage treatment including massage, plus a Traditional Chinese Medicine modality such as acupuncture, cupping or moxibustion. Many Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners are only trained in one modality whereas all of our practitioners are competent in several modalities, to better serve your needs. The combination treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the hands-on effects of massage gives our practitioners the flexibility to diagnose more accurately and achieve better results than we could if we just used massage by itself.
Bing’s Natural Health is quite unique in offering a combination massage treatment including massage, plus a Traditional Chinese Medicine modality such as acupuncture, cupping or moxibustion. Many Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners are only trained in one modality whereas all of our practitioners are competent in several modalities, to better serve your needs. The combination treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the hands-on effects of massage gives our practitioners the flexibility to diagnose more accurately and achieve better results than we could if we just used massage by itself.