Bowen Therapy brings on a state of deep relaxation quickly and gently, without heavy massaging. It activates the rest, renew, repair and digest state in your body (the parasympathetic nervous system), and as a result, also stimulates many other important processes. It boosts your body's functions and healing capacity, for a wide variety of health conditions.
Deep tissue realignment & re-training. Unique body-work works together with your breathing, lying on a comfy airbed. Deep tissue work that unwinds tension from its center - particularly deep in the hips, the muscles of breathing, but also the knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows and deep neck tension. The whole-body approach to analysis is smarter and leads to a less invasive treatment, using the inter-connections in the body.
Lymphatic drainage massage stimulates the lymphatic system, essential for the body's immune defense and natural cellular clean-up, renewal and healing mechanisms.
Deep tissue realignment & re-training. Unique body-work works together with your breathing, lying on a comfy airbed. Deep tissue work that unwinds tension from its center - particularly deep in the hips, the muscles of breathing, but also the knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows and deep neck tension. The whole-body approach to analysis is smarter and leads to a less invasive treatment, using the inter-connections in the body.
Deep tissue realignment & re-training. Unique body-work works together with your breathing, lying on a comfy airbed. Deep tissue work that unwinds tension from its center - particularly deep in the hips, the muscles of breathing, but also the knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows and deep neck tension. The whole-body approach to analysis is smarter and leads to a less invasive treatment, using the inter-connections in the body.