We specialize in non-narcotic practices in healing pain such as headaches, chronic pain, joint pain, and back pain. We use an array of proven methods both modern and traditional techniques such as electric acupuncture methods, hot needling, saline injection therapy, advanced TENS stimulation and painless laser acupuncture. Our goal is to treat and relieve the root of your pain instead of using pharmaceuticals or pain suppressants.
We specialize in non-narcotic practices in healing pain such as headaches, chronic pain, joint pain, and back pain. We use an array of proven methods both modern and traditional techniques such as electric acupuncture methods, hot needling, saline injection therapy, advanced TENS stimulation and painless laser acupuncture. Our goal is to treat and relieve the root of your pain instead of using pharmaceuticals or pain suppressants.
Facial Acupuncture benefits not merely the face and skin tone but an increase in wellbeing of the entire body. Holistic beauty is achieved by working on the inside to most effectively change the outside appearance. It supplies good circulation to your face, toning the muscles, and it encourages the production of collagen in areas that normally succumb to wrinkling. Reduces lines on the forehead, crows feet, and the reduction of smile and frown lines surrounding the mouth. Application of mirco currents and specific frequencies and the combination of thin, sterile needles on acupressure points