With kinesiology, It is important to find a practitioner who is right for you. Also, it can be difficult to describe a Kinesiology session to someone, and how effective it can be. Try a short introductory session, either for you or a friend.
A 15-minute consultation so you'll know if we are the practitioner that you are looking for.
Here in Holistic Health, find that place of peace within. Take time out to communicate with your body-mind-spirit at a deep, subconscious level to find and correct underlying causes of imbalance, and restore your sense of joy, balance and self-empowerment.
An ideal first session.
This is when you like to allow extra time to work on deeper issues.
30 minutes Kinesiology
Hyperton-X will help you release muscle memory, tension, strengthen weak and painful muscles and increase flexibility. If you have muscular pain, weakness or restricted range of motion, this will help.