Just Breathe Massage Therapy image 1Just Breathe Massage Therapy image 1
  • Remedial Massage

    30 min

    Remedial Massage involves a range of techniques, such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, Swedish and sports massage. The focus of Remedial massage is treating specific injuries or conditions and repairing damage caused by stress or damage to the body.

  • Remedial Massage

    1 hr

    Remedial Massage involves a range of techniques, such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, Swedish and sports massage. The focus of Remedial massage is treating specific injuries or conditions and repairing damage caused by stress or damage to the body.

  • Remedial Massage

    1 hr 30 min

    Remedial Massage involves a range of techniques, such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, Swedish and sports massage. The focus of Remedial massage is treating specific injuries or conditions and repairing damage caused by stress or damage to the body.

  • Phone bookings only.
    Call to book: 0404 742 958