Because remedial massage or remedial therapy is a rehabilitative or therapeutic modality rather than a relaxing one, the practice is not limited to massage techniques only. Through physical assessment and orthopaedic testing as well as feedback from you, your remedial therapist will try to find the cause of the soft tissue dysfunction and propose a plan of action. Some of the techniques used in treatment include NMT (Neuromuscular technique), PNF (Propriceptive neuromuscular facilitation), MFR (Myofascial release), MET (Muscle energy technique), PET (positional release technique), mobilisation, and therapeutic exercise as well as stretching. The above mentioned techniques target the muscular system, connective tissue, and the nervous system to restore range of motion and help relieve pain.
Because remedial massage or remedial therapy is a rehabilitative or therapeutic modality rather than a relaxing one, the practice is not limited to massage techniques only. Through physical assessment and orthopaedic testing as well as feedback from you, your remedial therapist will try to find the cause of the soft tissue dysfunction and propose a plan of action. Some of the techniques used in treatment include NMT (Neuromuscular technique), PNF (Propriceptive neuromuscular facilitation), MFR (Myofascial release), MET (Muscle energy technique), PET (positional release technique), mobilisation, and therapeutic exercise as well as stretching. The above mentioned techniques target the muscular system, connective tissue, and the nervous system to restore range of motion and help relieve pain.