Therapeutic massage that helps to reduce muscle pain and stiffness in your neck, upper body, arm and legs. Very effective for relieving muscle pain and repairing your body
Therapeutic massage that helps to reduce muscle pain and stiffness in your neck, shoulder, and upper back area. Very effective for relieving muscle pain and repairing your body.
Therapeutic massage that helps to reduce muscle pain and stiffness in your upper body and foot. Very effective for relieving muscle pain and repairing your body.
Melts away tension, eases muscle stiffness and increases circulation and metabolism
New sauna technology that clears the skin, relaxes your muscles, accelerates blood flow, and improve your sleep. Improve your overall health problems. Improve your overall health problems. Massage 60 minutes and Steam Bath 20+ minutes. All steam bath services needs 15 minutes preparation for sanitation and preparation. Not suitable for pregnant women, people with open wound, injury, or certain medical condition such as heart or blood pressure issue.