About Rescue Acupuncture
15 years experience treating body and mind.
Rescue Acupuncture easily located in Brunswick East, close to Melbourne CBD, with plenty of parking available.
Kotan means Elegant Simplicity and is symbolic of my artful form of Japanese Acupuncture..
We aim to help clients harness their inherent healing power through Acupuncture and Moxibustion. The Japanese style acupuncture is a subtle and effective, practical healing modality. Unlike other acupuncture styles, we use a combination of fine needles and moxabustion to balance the body.
Japanese Acupuncture is a holistic medicine based on the elegant foundations of Taoism. It uses a deep understanding of Yin and Yang, as well as through its relationship with the Five Elements and the internal balance . It's a gentle practice, using extra fine needles and specialized techniques.