A cosmetic acupuncture session includes a comprehensive Chinese medical diagnosis followed by an acupuncture session (body, auricular or special localized areas, for example, the face). This method promotes blood and lymphatic circulation that in turn nourishes and firms the skin. When used on the face it can soothe unwanted wrinkles, scars, discoloration and skin dryness.
Bioptron therapy uses a medical device that emits polarized light to treat a wide range of medical and cosmetic conditions by stimulating blood circulation and tissue regeneration while also reducing inflammation. This method increases the collagen levels in the skin to improve skin tone.
Cupping is a decompression technique which is used for colds and flues or pain.
This massage uses gentle and rhythmic movements in order to let the body fall in to a state of deep relaxation.
This massage uses gentle and rhythmic movements in order to let the body fall in to a state of deep relaxation.
The use of the ears as microsystem for acupuncture. Using the acupuncture point on the ear affects the wellness of the rest of the body.
A specialized hollow candle is gently placed on the edge of the ear creating a vacuum. Good for ear pain, blocked ears.
The herbal consult includes an accurate diagnosis of the condition by using the Chinese diagnostic techniques such as tongue diagnosis, pulse diagnosis, and palpation. The partitioner will prescribe a herbal remedy.