Acupuncture is one of several therapies used in Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture uses hair-thin, sterile, disposable needles inserted at specific points on the body to subtly influence how the body is functioning. Western science is slowly developing an understanding for the mechanism behind acupuncture, but has noted its effects on many of the body’s systems including the neurological, endocrine, respiratory and digestive systems.
Pain and lack of physical mobility may be the result of musculoskeletal system injury or imbalance leaving the body unable to heal itself. By working holistically utilizing osteopathic techniques, balance can be restored so that your body can heal to the best of its ability. Muscle and joint injury is corrected osteopathically through massage, manipulation, mobilization, myofascial and deep tissue release, counter-strain, trigger point therapy, stretching, articulation, and lymphatic drainage.
Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on treatment for the underlying issues of your health condition as well as providing some relief from the symptoms. With the insertion of acupuncture needles, the proper flow along the circuit is re-established, allowing the channels and their corresponding internal organs to return to a balanced state, and the body to normal physiological functioning. This can mean freedom from pain, mental fatigue and an increase in vitality to help you live your life more fully and creatively.
Moxibustion is the use of the herb Chinese mugwort, called moxa, on the skin to warm specific acupuncture points or areas like the abdomen. Moxa comes in a fine ground texture that is made into small cones and used either on the end of a needle or placed on the skin. The top is then lit and burns down a little way, creating a pleasant penetrating warmth. Used to warm the yang of the body. Call the clinic for more detailed information on how moxa may assist women during pregnancy.
Cupping is a therapy used to treat muscle pain or the early stages of colds and flu. Glass cups with suction are placed on the skin, usually on the back, and moved around for a short period of time to remove lactic acid from tight muscle groups.
Aroma-Lymph is a gentle, nurturing and rhythmical whole body balancing treatment, including scalp and face, using the highest quality essential oils prescribed for your particular needs. By stimulating the flow of blood and lymph, it relaxes the nervous system, aids the body’s immune system and helps the body’s detoxification process. As well as for an overall sense of wellbeing, it is highly recommended for those prone to and recovering from sore throats, colds, infections, swollen nodes, ongoing tiredness and excess fluids, like during menopause.
Pregnancy massage is a therapeutic remedial and soothing treatment aimed specifically at easing a lot of the discomforts that pregnancy can bring. Regular remedial massage can reduce muscle cramps and back pain, soothe the nervous system, reduce peripheral swelling and help to prevent insomnia. Appropriate aromatherapy essential oils can be added for their soothing, uplifting and relaxing properties. Aromatherapy can help with a variety of complaints including morning sickness, stretch marks, fatigue, fluid retention, constipation and palpitations, as well as during labour.
Pain and lack of physical mobility may be the result of musculoskeletal system injury or imbalance leaving the body unable to heal itself. By working wholistically utilising various soft tissue techniques - including direct myofascial release, trigger point therapy, lymphatic drainage, stretching - balance can be restored so that your body can heal to the best of its ability. Whether you feel tired or stiff, or you have put stress on yourself and your body at home, at work or simply by carrying your shopping, this kind of treatment is for you. Therapeutic essential oils and homemade balms are added for extra benefit.
Sports Massage aims at increasing flexibility and range of movement for sports performance. This makes the body less prone to injury by accelerating tissue growth and repair and decreasing recovery time. Using various soft tissue techniques, the aim is to prepare the athlete for peak performance so that imbalances can be corrected at an early stage and allow the body to proper recover prior and post event. Therapeutic essential oils and homemade balms are added for extra benefit.
Reflexology helps to create a deeply relaxing, healthy and harmonious state within the body and activates the client’s natural powers of self healing. Stimulating or sedating a reflex using the application of specific pressure by parts of the practitioner’s hands, thumbs and fingers triggers a response in the corresponding area of the body.
Facial Reflexology is a reflex technique based on neuro-biochemical action resulting from the stimulation of an area or point on the face which has an effect on various other areas of the entire body. Facial Reflexology involves the identification and assessment of the root causes of an illness through Facial Reflex Therapy techniques and a visual analysis.
Ocular Therapy is the use of Facial Reflex Therapy with specific nerve and acupressure points around the eyes. Therapists use individual protocols for specific patterns and medical eye dysfunction conditions. In addition to assessing the condition of the eyes it is important to understand the condition of a person’s overall health. Once a complete health history is taken and a Facial Reflex therapy evaluation has taken place a treatment protocol is designed according to the individual pattern of each patient.
Cosmo Face Lifting is a Reflexology based beauty treatment for both men and women. It is a natural, painless, relaxing, non-surgical face lifting method that firms and tones the foundation muscles that support the facial structure and dramatically improves the complexion by increasing blood flow and lymphatic drainage. It also naturally increases the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in a firmer younger looking face.
Reconnective Healing is a return to an optimal state of balance, wholeness and vitality. It is a bridge between the perceived limitations we have come to accept in our lives and how life can be when we tap into our actual potential. It’s tangible, measurable... You can actually feel it!
Counselling is a safe place for you to discuss whatever is on your mind, or whatever problems you are having in your life. I am trained in a diversity of therapeutic modalities to help you express, understand and solve your issues. My counselling sessions are strictly confidential however as a registered counsellor I have a mandatory obligation to report any concern about self-harm or harm to others. Some treatments I use include Cognitive behaviour therapy, Client-centred therapy, Emotional Freedom therapy, Gestalt therapy, Breath awareness and Mindfulness.