The chances are you've already experienced reflexology, but may not have realised it was happening. You see, reflexology is often incorporated into a massage.
Reflexology is an ancient healing method, which focuses on your reflex points. These are specific areas on your body, most often on your feet, hands and ears.
Possibly dating back as far as 4000 BC, it is believed these reflex points correspond to other parts of the body, and can be used to promote healing and good health.
During the 1890s, Sir Henry Head and Sir Charles Sherrington further explored this ancient art, finding evidence of a neurological relationship between the skin and our other organs. They believed the whole nervous system could respond to a stimulus.
This makes perfect sense, when you consider how calm, relaxed and de-stressed you feel after a reflexology session. A lot of it is to do with increased blood flow, which takes more oxygen and nutrients to our internal organs.
What's more, reducing stress and tension can actually reduce physical pain.
Getting back to those reflex points of ours, they actually fall into different zones. In fact, the phrase 'zone theory' is often used by reflexologists. Zone theory divides our bodies into 10 vertical zones - and that's how you choose the right reflex points to treat specific problems.
For example, the spot between your second and third toe refers to your eyes. Pretty cool, right? And very similar to the meridians used in Chinese medicine.
Reflexology is a very popular and accepted treatment and people choose it for all kinds of reasons. For some, it's simply because you feel so great afterwards. For others, it's part of a de-stress program that includes massage.
Some people use it to support the conventional treatments they are receiving for major illnesses.
You see, with reflexology, there doesn't have to be a particular reason to book a session - you do it because it just feels so good.
Having said reflexology blends so well with massage, it's also worth noting that you remain clothed for a reflexology session. So if you have previously found massage uncomfortable or embarrassing, reflexology would be perfect for you.
Reflexology delivers so many great benefits, we at BookWell want the boss to hire an in-house reflexologist!
If you're feeling tired and sluggish, it could be that your body is out of balance. A reflexology session can help with that by clearing blockages and boosting metabolism.
It is believed that reflexology can stimulate over 7000 nerve endings in one session, improving flexibility and functionality.
Eliminating toxins from our bodies can reduce the likelihood of disease and illness. For example, reflexology has been shown to reduce urinary tract problems.
Reflexology can help remove both the physical and psychological problems that cause headaches and migraines.
Thanks to the boost in metabolism and increased blood and oxygen flow, reflexology can help us heal faster.
No-one is claiming that reflexology cures cancer but it has been shown to help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.
Reflexology is a gentle treatment and is considered beneficial during pregnancy. It can also reduce the risk of post-partum depression. Reflexology can also help relieve period pain.
Reflexologists don't claim to heal people; the belief is that they bring your body back into balance, so it can start to heal itself.
And when it comes to the side effects of reflexology, the biggest one may be yawning. True. This is such an enjoyable and relaxing treatment you could easily fall asleep.