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Your liver is connected to your, big toe. Your left lung is connected to your, little toe, right? If reflexology had a jingle, that'd be it. Reflexology aims to help your internal organs function and work a little better with targeting pressure points that are found in your feet, hands and ears. If you're interested in finding a wicked massage in Thornleigh that can help with tired feet and sore hands, it's also perfect for that too. You can get yourself in for a treatment for as little as $10.
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If you're feeling overall a bit run down, or have some stubborn aches and pains that other therapies haven't managed to knock out, it could well be time for some reflexology.
This is one to discuss with your practitioner, but you can expect to go in for an initial course of six to eight weekly treatments, and then less frequently once you're feeling better.
Reflexology is typically pretty gentle, so you shouldn't feel any pain. Points of tension in the feet may be uncomfortable when pressed, but if it's more than that, or if it lasts, let your therapist know.
Reflexology costs about $95 on average.
Reflexology treatments take about 75 minutes on average.
Reflexology is an alternative style of treatment that focuses on applying pressure to certain parts of the feet. It is believed that certain pressure points in our feet are connected to our internal organs and the application of reflexology is aimed to help with internal concerns. It's also great for relaxing sore and tired feet.
Reflexology is all about treating the body as one connected being. It's believed that certain pressure points in our feet, when pressure applied, connect to our internals. Whereas, a foot massage is purely about relaxing and alleviating any tiredness from.
Relax, essentially. Many people feel very relaxed post-reflexology, so we'd advise you to capitalise on that and take some time out. It's also quite common to feel heightened emotions after a session - just go with it.