With a click of a button we can get you in for your next Eyes, Brows & Lashes appointment in Princes Hill. No matter the treatment or appointment, we can guarantee you'll find it by using Bookwell. We're your one-stop shop for wellness necessities, and yes, we do categorise feeling swanky as a health benefit.
Long, curled lashes are a total gamechanger, and they're on offer in Princes Hill via an eyelash lift. This popular semi-permanent treatment is your shortcut to amazing lashes first thing in the morning. If that sounds good (we thought so) you can browse salons in your neck of the woods right here, and book instantly. Too easy. The average appointment will set you back about $90, and we'll probably see you there!
What we're saying is that with Bookwell, your days of losing your reminder card in the bottom of your bag are behind you. Book your next Eyes, Brows & Lashes appointment in Princes Hill with us today, and see just how straightforward the whole thing really is. Don't see your usual spot listed with us? Let us know via email at hello@bookwell.com.au or phone 1300-856-405. We'd love to hear from you.
It's essentially a perm for your eyelashes, and we're living for it. It's a great way to give your look a little more oomph without having to use a curling wand every day.
A lash lift can last anywhere between six to eight weeks, lush! Although this does depend on the natural growth cycle of your eyelashes.
Lash lifts cost $90 on average.
To get the most out of your eyelash lift avoid rubbing your eyes, try not to get them wet for the first 48 hours and also keep them away from makeup and oily products. For daily upkeep, brush them in the morning and evening and use mineral makeup to keep them looking lovely.
Getting yourself a lash lift is completely safe if applied by a professional. You want to make sure you are going somewhere with a high health and safety standard.
Lash lifting appointments take about 60 minutes.