When you think of a typical massage, what usually comes to mind? Candlelit room; soft, inoffensive music; firm yet relaxing strokes and an overall vibe of ultimate relaxation, no? If this is the kind of treatment you’re craving, a relaxation massage could be just the ticket.
Massage is considered one of the world’s oldest healing traditions, and as the name would suggest, a relaxation massage really is all about relaxing; focusing on giving you some time out to renew and recover from the numerous stresses of day to day life.
It’s the perfect treatment option for people who are always on the go, and the numerous benefits people may experience are well established.
While perhaps considered the most entry level form of massage treatment, relaxation massage really is the perfect all rounder. You can rest assured your trained relaxation massage therapist will work tirelessly to ensure you get the most out of every session, both physically and mentally.
As for technique, your relaxation massage therapist should employ long, smooth and rhythmic strokes. No sudden movements.
You can expect pressure that is firm, but not at all painful; if you’re after relief from chronic pain, you might want to look into Chinese, deep tissue or sports massage.
Well, right off the bat, the main aim of the game is to get you feeling totally relaxed. Studies show that massage encourages the release of endorphins, a type of chemical or neurotransmitter which helps to both reduce your perception of pain, and promote feelings of positivity and wellbeing.
Stress hormones, such as cortisol, are also reduced. Consequently, you may experience a reduction in any feelings of anxiety or depression.
When it comes to the relief of physical symptoms, relaxation massage can help with lowering blood pressure (usually temporarily), improving blood circulation, evening skin tone and puffiness, and reducing muscle stiffness.
If you’re experiencing tension headaches or migraines, relaxation massage can help to relieve the pressure around this area.
Relaxation massage therapists work tirelessly to foster an environment of zen; a cosy, safe haven where you can forget about the hustle and bustle of the outside world, even just for an hour or so.
Often held in spa environments, you can expect to be greeted with a comforting cup of herbal tea, either before or after your treatment. Think fresh, scented candles, warm fluffy towels and robes, soothing music, and the occasional use of aromatherapy and essential oils.
Remember, though: as it’s such a broad treatment, relaxation massage can mean different things to different people, so it’s important to communicate effectively with your massage therapist to establish your specific treatment needs. You don’t want to head in for a relaxing massage and find your therapist hanging from the ceiling, ready to walk all over your back à la Ashiatsu massage!
Couples relaxation massages are also a popular treatment, where you and a friend or loved one can indulge in side-by-side massage therapy for the ultimate bonding experience.
And if you’re after a gift for a loved one, a relaxation massage is a great place to start. No matter who you’re buying for, you simply can’t go wrong with the gift of an hour of uninterrupted bliss. Who could say no to that? A relaxation massage voucher is a particularly good option for those people in your life who’ve got it all, or are particularly tricky to buy for.
With a variety of treatments and packages available to suit a wide range of budgets, find your next relaxation massage on Bookwell today.