There�s nothing quite like a healthy, glowing, natural-looking tan to make you look and feel fantastic. St. Tropez works with the natural melanin in your skin to produce a natural tan colour just like a normal sun tan so there's no turning orange!! This is a perfect tan for thoses special occasions such as weddings and Engagements that demand you look your most purest and natural. We believe spray tan application is more like an art form, not just one colour is suited for all skin types, this is why we have formulated many colours to best suite whats rite for your colourings. Pre Tan Instructions: Exfoliate, Do all hair removal, No Lotions, No Deodorant, Wear lose, dark clothing. Post Tan Instructions: No Sweating, Shower lightly, No Friction, No Exfoliation, Pat dry after shower, Moisturize twice daily.
We wax over the labia, into the bottom, with the option of removing all hair or leaving a small strip. We use Strawberry Creme "For the ultimate Experience XXX wax.
No other wax delivers the same results. A "smart wax" which is plastic in texture, extremely flexible and has a powerful grip. Contains Titanium Dioxide, this formula reduces redness and can be used on even the most sensitive skins.
Save $35 dollars when you do a package deal!