With a click of a button we can get you in for your next Eyes, Brows & Lashes appointment in Bertram. No matter the treatment or appointment, we can guarantee you'll find it by using Bookwell. We're your one-stop shop for wellness necessities, and yes, we do categorise feeling swanky as a health benefit.
Maybe you went a little bit too hard on the tweezers back in the day, maybe you're just not naturally blessed with full brows. Either way, help is at hand in the form of eyebrow extensions. Have a squiz at the salons we work with in Bertram and make an appointment today - you won't know yourself. With tiny colour-matched hairs, believable brows are so within reach. Expect to spend around $95 on average.
All in all, we make health and wellness easy. Why not let us help you out? Never forget your appointment time again. Book all your Eyes, Brows & Lashes services in Bertram on Bookwell, and let us take care of the rest. Just browse treatments on offer and book instantly online. Can't find a great venue? Call us on 1300-856-405 or email us at hello@bookwell.com.au.